The Board of Knowledge

The Board of Knowledge was created to give the Greatest Love and the Greatest Energy Unit of Oneness.  It supports everyone to reach Total Spiritual Enlightenment. It brings greater awareness of what we are moving toward and the Purpose of Everything in Life.  It truly is the Highest Spiritual Tool for Enlightenment!

Channie expressed it as follows:

“There is an Ancient Knowledge called The Board of Knowledge. This unique Knowledge gives an opportunity to open up people, so that they Spiritually can evolve and grow, in the exact right direction for that individual. The Board of Knowledge works individually for everyone, because we are all unique and every person has their individual gift in life. By these Steps of Opening, one can grow stronger and blossom in the best way. Everyone has their own steps in growing.
This Board of Knowledge is something that is used everywhere in the Universe among Extraterrestrials, Angels and Light Beings. It can be worked with, over and over, and every time it helps the individual to grow and expand towards what is best for them and the direction that would lead them furthest in Spiritual Total Enlightenment. Even the already Enlightened, like Masters and Archangels, etc., benefit from continuous use of The Board of Knowledge.”

The Board of Knowledge is one of the oldest and probably the most efficient way, to help everyone and everything that lives, in their spiritual growth. Channie C.C. West brought this information towards Earth, when we as humanity were ready for it.

The person who works with The Board of Knowledge is the “Giver” and usually the Opening Steps are given, back and forth, between Higher beings in the Universe. Usually they do not upgrade themselves, but, instead, they need a humble Carrier of this Knowledge to open them up. This amazing Knowledge can also open up animals and nature, as a group, or individually. Even planets can be opened up to lead them in the right way in their growth.

This Knowledge can never be used in the wrong way and no one ever outgrows it. So the request of Opening Steps for someone else, other than yourself, is also appropriate and beneficial for that person who isn’t aware of receiving. These Openings always lead a person onto the best direction and the highest path and Spiritual understanding that is unique for just that person.

The Knowledge of The Board of Knowledge is not found in any worldly known books and does not involve reading. Instead, specific Holy Signs are sent to the “Receiver” who then harmonizes with the Sign and moves forward on their Spiritual path, no matter what heights the person, so far, has reached.

Every one of the Opening Steps of The Board of Knowledge leads us closer to Enlightenment and harmony within Holy Bliss. The Board of Knowledge can be given to anyone, without exception.

When the Board of Knowledge is given to someone, it seeks that individual’s specific possibilities to be a happy and harmonic person in a spiritually more opened life. It doesn’t matter what kind of spiritual interest the person has that you are working with. Even if such things exist at all. The person will develop what is best for them. So we should not come with suggestions or telling about certain directions to form their spirituality. Because every person is unique and they have a unique way that they should go in spirituality. The Board of Knowledge can be given to everyone and everything and reaches always everyone and everything.

It is important to understand that Board of Knowledge is not healing. Even if it sometimes can be showing itself like a healing in a person with a painful life. The Board of Knowledge leads people right after their own believes, possibilities and so on.

It also helps people who are knowing exactly which way they should go in spirituality. So they will have it easier to walk that path. Within UWTH and other kinds of spiritual work, you usually ask your client,if you can work with them. When it comes to the Board of Knowledge you don’t need this. The Boards are working on levels that we cannot understand. The Board of Knowledge Force goes where it should be and change and adapt itself for that specific person who receives it. If the Board of Knowledge would be send too early for the spiritual change to happen, then the Signs will wait for the perfect moment in that person’s life.

The Board of Knowledge includes 5 Boards and they come from a very very old temple in the Universe. Each Board has 36 Signs, with a frequency of before everything was created. Even before the Beyond was created.The Signs open us up and guide us forward to our own unique enlightenment. They have the unique quality to never influence someone and lead in an imposed direction.

We all have a depth inside where no other person, guide or angel, can lead us. In this deepest intimacy we are with ourselves, Live and the Divine. No healing or advice from others, can reach us there. In this depth the Signs of the Board of Knowledge do their work. They open us and lead us on our own unique spiritual path towards our own unique enlightenment.

Working with the Board

The one who is taking the education of the Board of Knowledge is called a Giver. Just because they are giving. The Giver will really give with their heart and soul. The client is called Receiver, because they are receiving. A session is about the Giver giving one or multiple Signs of a Board with 36 Signs on it. Within this class of Board of Knowledge the students are given two Boards with a total of 72 Signs. All the Signs can be combined with each other and give multiple possibilities. But it is also that Signs lay in between and in the middle on the Boards, not showing it selves. These Signs can also be activated by the Giver. This is called the blend Signs and sometimes it is also possible to do a melting of two specific Signs, to create a third Sign.

In a session the Giver sees the right Signs that should be given to the Receiver. The session can happen as a physical meeting, but it can also be done on distance. Bigger groups can be given Signs also. And in the group they can also get Signs individually. This is given as an extra part 2 and 3 after the regular class of the Board of Knowledge. It is included in the price of this class.

The Board of Knowledge Signs can be given to everything and that means all forms of animals, trees, oceans, stones, crops, et cetera. You can also work with your guides, guardian angels, archangels, masters and your own god ( if you are a believer). In the beginning it is that the Giver mostly works with other people. But of course you can work with yourself and your personal spiritual growth. We recommend that the Giver will turn to another Giver for the experience of receiving.

From within humbleness and love, we can experience the deep qualities of the Board of Knowledge. It is an honor to connect and work with the Board of Knowledge. It is a gift towards the world and yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hereafter are answers to the most commonly asked questions. I recommend you read these frequently asked questions so you will have a greater understanding about The Board of Knowledge and Sessions.

How is The Board of Knowledge different from a religion of belief system?
The Board of Knowledge is not connected specifically to one spiritual path. It is connected to the whole of spirituality. It moves beyond the borders of spiritual beliefs, doctrines or spiritual reasoning, to the emotional quality or the whole feeling behind spirituality. This is why the Board of Knowledge is so profound and can help everyone and everything. 

How does The Board of Knowledge work?
The Board of Knowledge is compromised of multiple Signs, that when accessed by a „Giver“ reveals the perfect Sign(s) to be sent to the Receiver. After the Giver connects and scans the Receiver, the Giver then accesses The Board of Knowledge for the Sign(s) that will best help the Receiver grow Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and Physically healthier while also expanding his or her higher qualities. Then the Giver energetically works with the Receiver to place the Sign(s) into their individual vibration.

Where does The Board of Knowledge come from?
The Board of Knowledge comes from the very Beginning of Everything. The Board is the Ultimate Thought of God Divine and that is how it was created.  When all the Signs of The Five Boards (plus a bit more) are stacked on top of each other, they then become something More. They became The Signs of Everything Existing. The Board of Knowledge is the pattern of everything from: Forces, to individuals, to a blade of grass, a grain of sand, of everything existing, everywhere in all the Creations existing. 

How does The Board of Knowledge know what a Receiver Needs?
The Board of Knowledge has Intelligence and Life beyond what we can comprehend. It knows what the Receiver needs to move forward on their perfect path in life. It is absolutely amazing!  The Board of Knowledge never disturbs anything or forces anything.  Life will always take you where you are supposed to be, continually presenting you choices. The Board of Knowledge will help your path be experienced in a smoother, faster way. The Board of Knowledge will bypass your resistance to let your heart and mind see the Truth.

Will I receive a physical copy of the Sign(s) that are being energetically sent to me?
No, the Signs are Sacred and can only be accessed and used by a chosen Giver. As a Receiver, you could not absorb any more of the given Sign(s), even if you taped a physical copy to your body.  The Sign(s) can only be received when it is initiated by a Giver. The Board of Knowledge was created in a way so that there are Givers and Receivers. In this manner, the whole cycle of giving and receiving is complete. The Giver’s offering of Love and the Helping Hand of Harmony is met by the growth and expansion that is the Receiver’s wish.

Can I become a Giver?
Absolutely! All Givers are chosen and have to be approved by The Board of Knowledge before they can start the process of being given the education. The Board of Knowledge is a Holy Gift. The Giver is a Carrier of a Holy Gift and with this Gift comes with immense responsibility. The Giver is chosen because they carry certain qualities. The Board of Knowledge does not approve of any misuse of what it stands for. The Giver has to come from only loving thoughts and an open heart to give to others. If a Giver tries to work from any other state than that, The Board of Knowledge will shut down.

Am I really worthy to receive Holy Signs?
There are no expectations of how a Receiver should be or for how far they have traveled on their Spiritual Path. The person who receives the Signs can be the absolute worst person on Earth and yet they will still go to that person. These Signs are made to improve and expand people no matter where they are on their journey. So everyone is worthy! The Board of Knowledge brings the very best out of everyone and everything.

Can The Board of Knowledge work by itself?
The Board of Knowledge needs to have a Giver Initiate it. It cannot work by itself. It is very sophisticated in what and how it works. It is an amazingly beautiful energy. It is the Ultimate Intelligence and is alive.

If there are 72 Signs that are available to me right now, should I plan on booking 72 at-a-distance sessions so that I may receive all of the Signs?
Even though we talk about there being 36 Signs on each of 2 Boards that are available for you at this time, there are a limitless variety of combinations. The Signs of each Board can combine in ways that create new vibrations specific to your journey right now. It is just mind-boggling how The Board of Knowledge works and what it can do. 
The more a Receiver draws from The Board of Knowledge, the more The Board of Knowledge starts responding to the development of the Receiver. Even if the Receiver was scanned and The Board of Knowledge continues presenting the same Sign over and over, then each time the Sign is integrated into the Receiver’s system there is expansion and growth. So every sequential Sign given is received at higher and higher levels. Each Sign that a person receives keeps them moving forward towards more Enlightenment.
So the answer to this question leads to another question. How much do you want to live a life of greater awareness, ease, joy, love, expansion and connection with Source?

If I am on a limited budget can I pay for one at-a-distance session for someone else and not myself?
Yes you can, but … I like the following analogy. When you are getting ready to take flight on an airplane, the airline personnel reads you their safety spiel. „In case of a change in cabin pressure, the oxygen mask will drop from the panel above you.  First, place the mask around your face and then assist those around you.“ I think this policy can apply to the question also. Invest in yourself first, then assist those around you.
The great thing about investing in yourself by receiving Signs is that you actually start rubbing off on others in more powerful and profound ways. You are always having an effect on everything around you but with the Signs, it bumps you up to have an even greater influence on Everything.

Will I be able to see immediate changes in my Well-Being after receiving Signs?
The benefits from having Signs given by The Board of Knowledge are as numerous as you allow yourself to be open to them.  Each person is unique in awareness of their own Stream of Well-Being. I always suggest that a person be conscious of how they are feeling. Your emotions indicate if you are in resistance or a state of allowing.
If you are feeling great, enjoying and appreciative of every experience (all the positive emotions), then you are open to draw into your awareness the ah ha’s and cooperative components that create smooth sailing through your life. It then becomes evident the ways in which The Board of Knowledge is working with you. On the flip side of the coin, if you are in a state of judgment, disparity, discouragement, low energy, complaining or any of the other lower vibrational states, you will miss out on the evidence that there are changes occurring for you.
The good thing about The Board of Knowledge is that it knows how to get past your resistance and take you to better feeling thoughts and behaviours. It works with you no matter what emotional, mental, physical or spiritual state you are in at the moment. By receiving Signs you are establishing a new operating system and GPS (Global Positioning System) that will open you to new ideas, directions, experiences, etc., but most of all, to the Fullness of who you are.

Is The Board of Knowledge just another healing technique or modality?
It absolutely is NOT! The Board of Knowledge doesn’t have anything to do with healing, absolutely nothing to do with healing. What the Board has to do with is growing and spiritually opening people up. The Board can get into the building blocks of whatever the problem is. It is like the person doesn’t exist any more. They are just pure energy and what this pure energy needs to in harmony with all the other pure energy everywhere. Healing can’t do that, it cannot reach that deep! Let’s say you are experiencing a physical challenge in your body. The Board of Knowledge brings ease to all aspects surrounding you. It does not separate the physical body from all the parts that make you, You. It might however, nudge you to take this step instead of that step in order for you to find some relief. It might bring someone into your life „out of the blue“ with a wonderful suggestion that creates a greater sense of allowing for you. You might be led to a wonderful doctor that you have a better vibrational match with. It might direct you to a book with just the right words to help support you in making better decisions.  And on … and on … and on. The Board of Knowledge can smooth out the bumps in life so that you can move forward with greater joy and ease. 

Can The Board of Knowledge help get my life back on track?
A lot of people these days are not „in the flow“. When you are out the flow of life one of the most common difficulties people experience is economical challenges, lack of money, debt and never feeling like you can ever get a break. No matter how hard they try, there just isn’t enough. When you have stepped out of the flow, you experience health problems, emotional challenges, you seem to never experience any of your wishes or dreams and life seems to be a great disappointment. People get stuck or „off track“ because they are not in the flow or stream of energy that is available to them at all times. The Board of Knowledge can really help people to get into the flow or get back into the flow.

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